Karate Birthday Parties
Karate Birthdays are a great way to provide an action-packed event for your child while maintaining structure and safety for all guests.
Click Here to see more photos from great Karate Birthday Parties!
Parties are 2 (two) hours long and are for between 10 and 15 children.
Every 5 children after that is an additional $50.
A professional and experienced instructor will make sure that every child has a fun and positive experience from beginning to end. We are also proud to support our neighborhood by allowing local businesses to cater every party. Pizza is be supplied by House of Pizza Italian Restaurant and birthday cupcakes are supplied by Mazola Bakery!
There is some room for parents, the waiting area in the front. I have had parents set up and "adult" refreshment and cheese table but for the most part the parties are usually drop off.
You can choose to have an exciting Karate birthday, expand your experience by requesting a themed party ( Ninja, Star Wars, Avengers) or suggest/create your own!
Parties start at $550 and include the following:
Party Includes:
simple party decorations
instructor dressed in karate uniform
martial arts history and culture
an introductory Karate lesson
board breaking
foam weapon training
high quality pizza and birthday cupcakes from local vendors
Possible Themes: (+$50)
Ninja / Ninjago
Instructor is dressed as ninja
Ninja training obstacle course
Shuriken (ninja star) throwing
Star Wars Jedi
Instructor is dressed as Jedi
Force powers training
Light Saber battle training
Super hero
Instructor is dressed as a hero (Ex: Captain America, Spider-man)
Power Ranger
Instructor is dressed as Red Power Ranger